PayPal Is Integrating Cryptocurrency Using the President Elected Bank
PayPal, a global integrated payment platform which has announced that it is making serious moves to integrate the Cryptocurrency industry with its payments business. Currently second most used online payment processor, Paypal has said that it will soon be able to provide complete Internet payment solutions for all cryptosurfs including Paypal itself. If true this will be a huge step forward in the evolution of Cryptocurrency use on the internet and around the world. Next up, harsh crypto regulations from India has forced manyblockchain projects such as Wipro to begin working with the Thai authorities.
In the last year I have personally been following the growth and development of Cryptocurrency since the early days of its conception when the Waves platform was first launched. In those times, the biggest headache for any potential trader using a Forex or any other market based cryptocurency was to find an open source solution that would allow them to trade using their Cryptocurrency. Not only that but it was very difficult to find a good business model for the average investor in the field. However, after much searching, I think we have found an answer. It is called Waves, and the exciting thing about it is that this solution will allow any potential trader to use their favorite cryptocurency, Waves.
What I mean by this is that you can now buy and sellICO, ADA, PPC, and even WDC in the same application. This is the perfect storm for a lot of different cryptosurfs out there. First off, ICO, because it uses no real money, allows a market operator to operate the application without any currency risk. Also, ADA, because it operates the same way you would expect a traditional marketplace to operate, makes it ideal for people who are interested in trading smaller amounts of money versus large sums of money. Lastly, PPC and WDC because it does not use actual cash, provides the most accurate prediction of the price action without risking your actual funds.
If you take a moment to think about this, you will realize that the perfect storm was there all along. Waves actually was the perfect storm for the Forex community. There are many big, long term investors in the industry that have been waiting for the perfect storm to create liquidity in the marketplace and finally allow investors to make money on their investment. With Waves, there will be a huge influx of new money that will enter the market and increase demand for all currencies in circulation. In addition, this influx of new dollars will cause the prices of all cryptosurfs to rise because everyone will be bidding up the price on the currency pair that they wish to trade.
The first step for a potential investor looking to trade in any of the major currencies would be to buy a Waves wallet and then deposit some of their regular funds into it. Once that is done, then they can invest in any of the top cryptocurrencies available and gain profits from it. You could buy Dash or ether to gain an understanding of how they work and how they affect the Cryptocurrency price movement, or you could get into LTC or NYX to start trading in the big boys. Either way, once you have done this then you will have a basic understanding of how the market works, and with this knowledge you can decide which particular currencies are right for you. Of course you do not have to stay with just one particular currency, but the more you can diversify, the better off you will be. It is important to always be diversified so that you do not risk all of your capital on just one investment vehicle.
I have always maintained that the best way to trade was to trade in one type of Cryptocurrency, preferably the one associated with a standard chartered bank wallet. If you have a chance, interview me to talk about the presidential election, and ask me what my thoughts are about the upcoming presidential election. In my opinion, it will be an extremely profitable time to buy and sell ether or dash once you have an in depth understanding of how these two cryptosystems functions.